Every small group should exist for a purpose beyond just meeting together. Sometimes it might be difficult to get a group to begin thinking missionally*, so here are some ideas I've knocked around that could help. Some of these are designed to help a group think about how they can relieve suffering in the world, some are designed to help them think about bringing sinners to redemption. Some will work for your group, others will not:
- Complete a study like "Walk Across the Room
" or "Outflow
- Evaluate tracts together
- Discuss the church's role in evangelism. Consider the merits of the "invest and invite" strategy.
- Answer the question: "Why are you a Christian?"
- Consider how people might answer the question: "Why aren't you a Christian?"
- Study Romans
- Read a Gospel, consider how Christ evangelized.
- Read the sermons in Acts
- Peter at Pentecost
- Stephen to the Sanhedrin
- Paul on Mars Hill
- Pray for unbelieving friends
- Set up a "reminder chain" (daily call and remind each other to look for opportunities)
- Keep an empty chair
I'm sure there are a ton more. Anyone care to contribute?
*Typically, I think of the word "missional" as meaning, "taking on the mission of Jesus." While He was on earth, Jesus' primary mission consisted of two things: 1) He came to redeem sinners. 2) He came to relieve suffering. For me, these are the two pillars of missional living.