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LIFEgroup Questions from November 16

What would you be willing to give up for one million dollars?
    - a year of chocolate?
    - food for a week?
    - the ability to talk for 48 hours?

What is the greatest sacrifice you have made in the past few years?  Why did you make it?  Was it worth it?

What factors do you consider when deciding whether or not to make a sacrifice?

Read Hebrews 11:17 and have someone in the group summarize Genesis 22.

Often, the longer you wait for something, the more precious it is when you finally receive it.  Have you ever seen new parents who are over-protective?  Why do you think first time parents are so protective of their children? 

Since they waited so long for Isaac, do you think Abraham and Sarah were protective of him? Why do you think God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

What is the one thing you would not want God to ask you to give up for him?  Why?

How can our children and families sometimes become "idols" to us?  What might we do to avoid letting our families be a spiritual roadblock?

What is something you believe God wants you to give up for him?  What is the first step you can take toward offering that sacrifice?


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