September 26th is our next LIFEGroup Driver's Summit. We are holding three summits during the fall, and asking that all our LIFEGroup Drivers attend at least on of the summits. If you didn't catch the first summit, this would be a great chance for you to get one.
Since the topic of our first topic was so well received, we've decided to forgo our original plans, and instead we will be offering the same material again.
If you are interested in leading a better, more informed Bible study, this summit is for you. We'll be looking at the principles behind the 30/90 Bible Study.
Plan now to attend. Pizza and drinks will be provided!
Since the topic of our first topic was so well received, we've decided to forgo our original plans, and instead we will be offering the same material again.
If you are interested in leading a better, more informed Bible study, this summit is for you. We'll be looking at the principles behind the 30/90 Bible Study.
Plan now to attend. Pizza and drinks will be provided!