The first week of the "The Promise" is an overview of the Old Testament. The following questions will help your group to talk about the big picture of the OT, and focus on the need for Jesus to intervene.
- What is the best movie you have ever seen? What makes it so good?
- If you were going to describe the perfect story, what are the key elements you would use?
- How would you explain the “big story” of the Bible to someone? What are the key elements?
- When you think about the Old Testament, what are the main stories that come to mind?
- What are your favorite parts of the Old Testament? What are your least favorite parts? Why?
- Read Genesis 1:26-31; Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 6:6-8. How would you describe the relationship God desires to have with men?
- Read Jeremiah 7:21-29. Why did the nation of Israel fail to maintain their relationship with God? How do you sometimes act the same way?
- Read Matthew 1:23. How did God “fix” the mess humanity made during the Old Testament?
- Jesus was the answer to the Old Testament’s problems. How is Jesus the answer in your life?