I received this email as a response to the post about "recitals". It was worth sharing.
Just a few thoughts I wanted to share. I read your email the same
morning I read 1 cor 1:18-2:5.
This scripture is special to me for I have experienced God taking many
of my weakness and using them for His glory.
I look at your Quest Discipleship model as a challenge for us to go
beyond ourselves individually as well as lifegroups
and allow Gods power to grow his kingdom.
** God doesn't expect us to be prefect(have all the skills) and
totally sure of ourselves(have a know a talent),
but does expect us to TRUST in the Power of God.
As in 1 Cor 2:1-5 (nlt)
Paul went out with the Good News of Christ with weakness-timid and
trembling!! Hadn't used Lofty words or brilliant ideas.
So that trust is in the power of God rather than man.
And than 1 Cor 3:6
We're only servants, it is our job to planting seeds or water, the
power of grow is from God.
Our jobs of planting or watering (discipleship) maybe like Emma's
endless amount of practice and failures and sometimes doing what
we need to even if we don't want to.
Just a few thoughts I wanted to share. I read your email the same
morning I read 1 cor 1:18-2:5.
This scripture is special to me for I have experienced God taking many
of my weakness and using them for His glory.
I look at your Quest Discipleship model as a challenge for us to go
beyond ourselves individually as well as lifegroups
and allow Gods power to grow his kingdom.
** God doesn't expect us to be prefect(have all the skills) and
totally sure of ourselves(have a know a talent),
but does expect us to TRUST in the Power of God.
As in 1 Cor 2:1-5 (nlt)
Paul went out with the Good News of Christ with weakness-timid and
trembling!! Hadn't used Lofty words or brilliant ideas.
So that trust is in the power of God rather than man.
And than 1 Cor 3:6
We're only servants, it is our job to planting seeds or water, the
power of grow is from God.
Our jobs of planting or watering (discipleship) maybe like Emma's
endless amount of practice and failures and sometimes doing what
we need to even if we don't want to.