The Leaning Tower of Pisa has foundational issues. Since its initial construction, the tower has leaned due to problems with the foundation and the soil on which it is built. Everyone understands that anytime we undertake a building project of any size, it is important to initially consider the strength and reliability of the foundation. Otherwise, the building will end up like the Tower, leaning. Or perhaps worse, your building may fall! As we undertake this exciting process of growing formative, caring, and missional LIFEGroups, we need to be careful to consider our foundation. By the end of 2006, we will be very close to reaching our goal of having 40 healthy and identifiable LIFEGroups at Calvary. However, if we do not have a strong foundation for our LIFEGroups, we will be unable to see this early success translate into long-term health. Over the next two months, you will hear a lot about LIFESupport Groups. These are groups specifically designed for you, the LIFEGroup driver...
a collection of free small group resources