This list was created by a fellow named Bob Mayfield . He was attempting to point out some true ideas about Sunday School classes AND small groups. At Calvary, we call all our groups LIFEgroups regardless of when they meet. One of the reasons is because we want even our Sunday morning groups to function like small groups. Read these ideas and see what kind of thinking they spark in you! 1. A belief that lives are more easily transformed within a framework of "small groups". Whether it is in a classroom or a living room, the opportunity to meet with a small group of people that studies the Bible together, prays with each other, and ministers to each person in the group is a powerful foundation for spiritual transformation. 2. "Open groups" are essential to evangelism and sharing the Gospel. Groups that are easily accessible by new people are very effective in helping unchurched or unevangelized people engage the Gospel message both through Bible study an...