Dear LIFEGroup Driver, As you are certainly aware, we will be launching our new “Justice and Mercy” series at Calvary in a few weeks. I’m excited about this opportunity for us as a family to think more “missionally”. I hope your group will be able to participate. You have probably received a couple phone calls from Jacquie Finn over the past few weeks. She’s doing a great job trying to coordinate schedules and help me determine how many breakout facilitators we need, and when we’ll need them. If she’s still trying to get ahold of you, please try to return her calls. You can get plenty of information about this series by checking out our website at: Although we are not requiring every LIFEGroup to be a part of this series, we are providing five different meeting times for your group to combine with other groups to study material pertaining to Justice and Mercy. Particularly in the Breakout Sessions we will be examining the injustice of...
a collection of free small group resources