Several of our groups will need to reproduce themselves this year. They are growing beyond the point at which they can effectively be formative, caring, and missional. If you are a driver facing this opportunity, here are some encouraging words for you: “I love these people, I don’t want to sacrifice these relationships! It took a lot of long, hard work to build this, and now you want us to give it up? No way!” This common refrain breaks out among small group participants whenever the subject of expanding existing groups to produce new ones comes up. It is just as predictable as that vile “Fight On” song played by the USC band every time the Trojans move the football 10 yards. Even though this woeful chorus is the bane of every church’s small group ministry, I understand! It took my “intended” the better part of two years before she liked me enough to say, “I do!” I sure wouldn’t want to have to do that again. Why should groups reproduce? Bearing in mind that I’m focusing on “growth ...
a collection of free small group resources